Hours & Directions
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Hours & Directions

Boulder County Fair

9595 Nelson Road, Longmont CO 80501
E-Mail: info@bouldercountyfair.org (preferred)
Telephone: 720-864-6460

The Fair Office is open 9am - 5pm through Fair week. We are checking voice mail and email regularly if you miss us.

Driving Directions

From I-25: Take I-25 to the Longmont or Highway 119 exit West into Longmont. Highway 119 turns into Ken Pratt Blvd. Take Ken Pratt past the railroad tracks. Turn right on Nelson Road right after the tracks. Go almost two blocks directly to the Fairgrounds, which will be on your right.

From Boulder via the Diagonal Highway: Take the Diagonal Highway Northeast to Longmont turning left at Hover Road. Take Hover Road North directly to the Fairgrounds, which will be on your right.

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